EECSIS Portals
The EECS Information System (EECSIS) is a collection of web pages
and scripts to support students, faculty, and headquarters staff.
§ indicates web pages requiring authentication via Touchstone.
General Information
Undergraduate/MEng Students
Doctoral Students
- PhD Status§
including degree milestones and transcript. Submit TQE plan, RQE application, Minor
program, Professional Perspective plans and reports, Masters/EE/ECS/Doctoral theses.
- Submit requested documentation when nominated for
- Faculty records§
including teaching assignments, theses supervised, and sabbatical leaves.
Submit request for future sabbatical leave.
- List of ugrad/MEng§
advisees with links to each student's degree checklist. Advisee photos. Pending
subsitution petitions requiring advisor input
- List of doctoral§
academic and research advisees with links to each student's status page. Advisee photos.
- Submit annual report§
of research and teaching activities to the deparment.
- Nominate students for fellowships§.
- Submit/edit current research interests§.
- Submit Chair Report for RQE§.
Undergraduate/MEng Office
Graduate Office