6.002 Circuits and Electronics (Lab edition)
Units: 3-2-7 (6.002); 0-2-1 (6.S078)
If you are interested in electronics, and have not taken 6.002 before, please considering taking the class this term. It will be a lot of fun and it will provide you with the right foundation to get started in this exciting discipline. We will send a USB-instrumentation kit to each student for you to have access to a 2-channel oscilloscope, 2 signal generators, a power supply and many more key electronics tools from home. This will be complemented with a large parts kit with lots of interesting chips and electronic modules. As the logistics for this are more involved than in regular years, we would appreciate if you could register/pre-register as soon as possible. , you can register this term for 6.S078, a 3 unit lab-only class, which will allow you to receive the instrumentation kit and do the 6.002 labs during the regular 6.002 lab schedule on Fridays. We will make sure to have enough office hours to accommodate different time zones and classes. Prereq: ; U (Fall, Spring) 3-2-7 units. REST Fundamentals of linear systems and abstraction modeling through lumped electronic circuits. Linear networks involving independent and dependent sources, resistors, capacitors and inductors. Extensions to include nonlinear resistors, switches, transistors, operational amplifiers and transducers. Dynamics of first- and second-order networks; design in the time and frequency domains; signal and energy processing applications. Design exercises. Weekly laboratory with microcontroller and transducers.
6.246 Reinforcement Learning: Foundations and Methods
This subject counts as a Control concentration subject. Reinforcement learning (RL) as a methodology for approximately solving sequential decision-making under uncertainty, with foundations in optimal control and machine learning. Finite horizon and infinite horizon dynamic programming, focusing on discounted Markov decision processes. Value and policy iteration. Monte Carlo, temporal differences, Q-learning, and stochastic approximation. Approximate dynamic programming, including value-based methods and policy space methods. Special topics at the boundary of theory and practice in RL. Applications and examples drawn from diverse domains. While an analysis prerequisite is not required, mathematical maturity is necessary. Enrollment limited. : There is a large class participation component. In terms of prerequisites, students should be comfortable at the level of receiving an A grade in probability (6.041 or equivalent), machine learning (6.867 or equivalent), convex optimization (from 6.255 / 6.036 / 6.867 or equivalent), linear algebra (18.06 or equivalent), and programming (Python). Mathematical maturity is required. This is not a Deep RL course. This class is most suitable for PhD students who have already been exposed to the basics of reinforcement learning and deep learning (as in 6.036 / 6.867 / 1.041 / 1.200), and are conducting or have conducted research in these topics. : This course will be half theoretical foundations of RL, and half spending time exploring the boundary between theory and practice. This experimental course is meant to be an advanced graduate course, to explore possible alternative ways and perspectives on studying reinforcement learning.
6.247 Principles of Modeling, Simulations and Control for Electric Energy Systems (meets with 6.247)
The graduate version counts as a subject in the Control Concentration. This course offers modeling principles of modern electric power systems starting from a brief review of their structure and their physical components. In particular, a novel unified modeling in energy/power dynamical space is introduced to conceptualize dynamics of interactions of complex multi-physicals components. No specialized knowledge of physical components is required. This modeling sets a basis for analysis, computation, sensing, control, power electronics, optimization and market design concepts. The course prepares students for working on applying many novel methods and technologies, ranging from computer methods, power electronics control, for designing and operating more reliable, secure, and efficient electric energy systems. Students interested in both applied physics and signals and systems should consider taking this subject. Once the fundamentals of today's power systems are understood, it becomes possible to consider the role of smart electric power grids and power electronics-control in enabling evolution of future electric energy systems. Integration of intermittent energy resources into the existing grid by deploying distributed sensors and actuators at the key locations throughout the system (network, energy sources, consumers) and changes in today's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for better performance become well-posed problems of modeling, sensing and controlling complex dynamic systems. This opens opportunities to many innovations toward advanced sensing and actuation for enabling better physical performance. Modeling, sensing and control fundamentals for possible next generation SCADA in support of highly distributed operations and design are introduced. Most of the concepts will be illustrated using homegrown Scalable Electric Power System Simulator (SEPSS).
6.401 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis (NEW)
Prereqs: 6.0001 and (6.008, 6.041, or 18.600)
Units: 4-0-8
This subject qualifies as an Artificial Intelligence concentration subject. Introduction to the central concepts and methods of data science with an emphasis on statistical grounding and modern computational capabilities. Covers principles involved in extracting information from data for the purpose of making predictions or decisions, including data exploration, feature selection, model fitting, and performance assessment. Topics include learning of distributions, hypothesis testing (including multiple comparison procedures), linear and nonlinear regression and prediction, classification, time series, uncertainty quantification, model validation, causal inference, optimization, and decisions. Computational case studies and projects drawn from applications in finance, sports, engineering, and machine learning life sciences. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. Recommended prerequisite: 18.06.
6.402 Modeling with Machine Learning: from Algorithms to Applications (NEW)
Prereqs: Calc II (GIR) and 6.0001; Coreq
Units: 3-0-3
Focuses on modeling with machine learning methods with an eye towards applications in engineering and sciences. Introduction to modern machine learning methods, from supervised to unsupervised models, with an emphasis on newer neural approaches. Emphasis on the understanding of how and why the methods work from the point of view of modeling, and when they are applicable. Using concrete examples, covers formulation of machine learning tasks, adapting and extending methods to given problems, and how the methods can and should be evaluated. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. . Enrollment may be limited.
6.481 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis (NEW)
Prereqs: 6.0001 and (6.008, 6.041, or 18.600)
Units: 4-0-8
This subject qualifies as an Artificial Intelligence concentration subject. Introduction to the central concepts and methods of data science with an emphasis on statistical grounding and modern computational capabilities. Covers principles involved in extracting information from data for the purpose of making predictions or decisions, including data exploration, feature selection, model fitting, and performance assessment. Topics include learning of distributions, hypothesis testing (including multiple comparison procedures), linear and nonlinear regression and prediction, classification, time series, uncertainty quantification, model validation, causal inference, optimization, and decisions. Computational case studies and projects drawn from applications in finance, sports, engineering, and machine learning life sciences. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. Recommended prerequisite: 18.06.
6.482 Modeling with Machine Learning: from Algorithms to Applications (NEW)
Prereqs: Calc II (GIR) and 6.0001; Coreq
Units: 3-0-3
Focuses on modeling with machine learning methods with an eye towards applications in engineering and sciences. Introduction to modern machine learning methods, from supervised to unsupervised models, with an emphasis on newer neural approaches. Emphasis on the understanding of how and why the methods work from the point of view of modeling, and when they are applicable. Using concrete examples, covers formulation of machine learning tasks, adapting and extending methods to given problems, and how the methods can and should be evaluated. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. . Enrollment may be limited.
6.644 Principles and Applications of Quantum Optics: Fundamentals and Emerging Technologies
Prereqs: 8.04 or 8.05, 6.013 or 6.007 or 8.07 or 8.03 or 2.71
Units: 3-0-9
This subject qualifies as either an Applied Physics or Materials, Devices and Nanotechnology concentration subject, but not both. This course covers fundamental concepts of quantum optics and quantum electrodynamics, with an emphasis on quantum information technologies – computing, precision measurement, and communications – as well as applications in nanophotonic devices. Topics include the quantization of the electromagnetic field; quantum states of light including coherent and squeezed states; interaction between light an atoms / quantum electrodynamics (QED); optical resonators and cavity QED; quantum theory of lasers; and applications including low-threshold, ultrafast lasers, quantum key distribution, precision measurement, and quantum computing. A project component includes designing a photonic integrated circuit – and for top designs to be taped out at a leading silicon photonics foundry!
6.645 Physics and Engineering of Superconducting Qubits (meets with 8.582)
Prereqs: 6.728 or 8.06 or equivalent
Units: 3-0-9
This subject qualifies as an Applied Physics engineering concentration subject. This course introduces the physics and engineering of superconducting qubits for quantum information processing for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students. Topics will include (1) an introduction to superconductivity and Hamiltonian engineering; (2) superconducting qubits, cavities, and microwave cavity quantum electrodynamics; (3) the theory and microwave engineering of qubit control and measurement; (4) noise, decoherence, dynamical error mitigation; (5) microwave photons, squeezing, and quantum-limited amplification; (6) survey of other solid-state qubit modalities, including semiconductor quantum dots and majorana zero modes; and (7) experimental fault tolerance and quantum error detection. The course will include both classroom lectures, tutorials, homework sets, and hands-on lab practicum with superconducting qubits.
6.802 Computational Systems Biology: Deep Learning in the Life Sciences
Prereqs: (7.05 and (6.0002 or 6.01)) or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Presents innovative approaches to computational problems in the life sciences, focusing on deep learning-based approaches with comparisons to conventional methods. Topics include protein-DNA interaction, chromatin accessibility, regulatory variant interpretation, medical image understanding, medical record understanding, therapeutic design, and experiment design (the choice and interpretation of interventions). Focuses on machine learning model selection, robustness, and interpretation. Teams complete a multidisciplinary final research project using TensorFlow or other framework. Provides a comprehensive introduction to each life sciences problem, but relies upon students understanding probabilistic problem formulations. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
6.859 Interactive Data Visualization (NEW Previously 6.894)
Prereqs: 6.031
Units: 3-0-9
This subject qualifies as Graphics and HCI concentration subject. Interactive visualization provides a means of making sense of a world awash in data. Covers the techniques and algorithms for creating effective visualizations, using principles from graphic design, perceptual psychology, and cognitive science. Short assignments build familiarity with the data analysis and visualization design process, and a final project provides experience designing, implementing, and deploying an explanatory narrative visualization or visual analysis tool to address a concrete challenge.
6.874 Computational Systems Biology: Deep Learning in the Life Sciences
Prereqs: (7.05 and (6.0002 or 6.01)) or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Presents innovative approaches to computational problems in the life sciences, focusing on deep learning-based approaches with comparisons to conventional methods. Topics include protein-DNA interaction, chromatin accessibility, regulatory variant interpretation, medical image understanding, medical record understanding, therapeutic design, and experiment design (the choice and interpretation of interventions). Focuses on machine learning model selection, robustness, and interpretation. Teams complete a multidisciplinary final research project using TensorFlow or other framework. Provides a comprehensive introduction to each life sciences problem, but relies upon students understanding probabilistic problem formulations. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
6.881 Optimization for Machine Learning
Prereqs: 18.06, 6.036; 6.041; 6.255
Units: 3-0-9
This subject qualifies as an Artificial Intelligence concentration subject. Covers topics in optimization inspired by machine learning. Particular emphasis is laid on large-scale optimization as well as non-convex optimization models, theory, and algorithms. The focus is on theory with an eye for practical value. Exposes students to research questions in the area of optimization.
6.883 Data-Driven Decision Making and Society
Prereqs: Mathematical background at the level of 6.042/18.062 or equivalent; Machine learning background at the level of 6.036 or equivalent
Units: 3-0-9
This subject qualifies as an Artificial Intelligence concentration subject. Discusses how the broad deployment of the data-driven decision-making techniques impacts society. Surveys some of the key challenges, non-obvious interactions, undesirable feedback loops and unintended consequences that arise in this context. Topics covered will include data-driven approaches to criminal justice and predictive policing, use of data-driven decision making in social media, and the importance of the data provenance and dataset ecology. The class will involve extensive student-led in-class discussions and reading of the related research literature.
6.884 Learning for Control / Computational Sensorimotor Learning
Prereqs: 6.036, 6.867, or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
This subjects qualifies as an Artificial Intelligence concentration subject. Introduces the fundamental algorithmic approaches for constructing agents that learn to act in their environment from raw sensory observations. Topics include imitation learning, observation learning, self-supervised learning, reinforcement learning, inverse reinforcement learning, model learning from raw sensory observations. The course will also provide an overview of practical learning based approached used for navigation and robotic manipulation. A significant portion of the course will be devoted to reading research papers.
6.886 Algorithm Engineering
Prereqs: 6.046, 6.172
Units: 3-0-9
This subject counts as a Computer Systems concentration subject. This is a research-oriented course on algorithm engineering, which will cover both the theory and practice of algorithms and data structures. Students will learn about models of computation, algorithm design and analysis, and performance engineering of algorithm implementations. We will study the design and implementation of sequential, parallel, cache-efficient, external-memory, and write-efficient algorithms for fundamental problems in computing. Many of the principles of algorithm engineering will be illustrated in the context of parallel algorithms and graph problems. Students will read and present research papers, write paper reviews, complete assignments that involve both theory and implementation, participate in classroom discussions, and complete a semester-long research project. Class time will consist of lectures, student presentations, and group project meetings. This course is suitable for graduate students or advanced undergraduates who have taken 6.046 and 6.172. Mathematical maturity and familiarity with algorithm analysis and performance engineering will be assumed.
6.S00 Introduction to Programming, Computer Science, and Computational Modeling
Prereqs: None
Units: 3-0-9
Combines the material in 6.0001 and 6.0002. The first half is an introduction to computer science and programming for students with limited programming experience. Students develop skills to program and use computational techniques to solve problems. Topics include the notion of computation, Python, simple algorithms and data structures, testing and debugging, and algorithmic complexity. The second half provides an introduction to using computation to understand real-world phenomena. Topics include plotting, stochastic programs, probability and statistics, random walks, Monte Carlo simulations, modeling data, optimization problems, and clustering.
6.S062 Fundamentals of Music Processing (meets with 21M.387)
Prereqs: 6.003, 6.01, and 21M.051
Units: 3-0-9
Analyzes recorded music in digital audio form using advanced signal processing and optimization techniques to understand higher-level musical meaning. Covers fundamental tools like windowing, feature extraction, discrete and short-time Fourier transforms, chromagrams, and onset detection. Addresses analysis methods including dynamic time warping, dynamic programming, self-similarity matrices, and matrix factorization. Explores a variety of applications, such as event classification, audio alignment, chord recognition, structural analysis, tempo and beat tracking, content-based audio retrieval, and audio decomposition. Enrollment limited.
6.S063 Principles and Applications of Quantum Optics: Fundamentals and Emerging Technologies
Prereqs: 8.04 or 8.05, 6.013 or 6.007 or 8.07 or 8.03 or 2.71
Units: 3-0-9
This subject qualifies as either an Applied Physics or Materials, Devices and Nanotechnology concentration subject, but not both. This course covers fundamental concepts of quantum optics and quantum electrodynamics, with an emphasis on quantum information technologies – computing, precision measurement, and communications – as well as applications in nanophotonic devices. Topics include the quantization of the electromagnetic field; quantum states of light including coherent and squeezed states; interaction between light an atoms / quantum electrodynamics (QED); optical resonators and cavity QED; quantum theory of lasers; and applications including low-threshold, ultrafast lasers, quantum key distribution, precision measurement, and quantum computing. A project component includes designing a photonic integrated circuit – and for top designs to be taped out at a leading silicon photonics foundry!
6.S078 Circuits and Electronics (Lab edition)
Units: 3-2-7 (6.002); 0-2-1 (6.S078)
If you are interested in electronics, and have not taken 6.002 before, please considering taking the class this term. It will be a lot of fun and it will provide you with the right foundation to get started in this exciting discipline. We will send a USB-instrumentation kit to each student for you to have access to a 2-channel oscilloscope, 2 signal generators, a power supply and many more key electronics tools from home. This will be complemented with a large parts kit with lots of interesting chips and electronic modules. As the logistics for this are more involved than in regular years, we would appreciate if you could register/pre-register as soon as possible. , you can register this term for 6.S078, a 3 unit lab-only class, which will allow you to receive the instrumentation kit and do the 6.002 labs during the regular 6.002 lab schedule on Fridays. We will make sure to have enough office hours to accommodate different time zones and classes. Prereq: ; U (Fall, Spring) 3-2-7 units. REST Fundamentals of linear systems and abstraction modeling through lumped electronic circuits. Linear networks involving independent and dependent sources, resistors, capacitors and inductors. Extensions to include nonlinear resistors, switches, transistors, operational amplifiers and transducers. Dynamics of first- and second-order networks; design in the time and frequency domains; signal and energy processing applications. Design exercises. Weekly laboratory with microcontroller and transducers.
6.S079 Superconducting Classical and Quantum Circuits -CANCELED.
Prereqs: 6.002 and 6.0001 or equivalent (6.013 highly recommended)
Units: 9
Introduction to quantum mechanics using circuits for students with no background knowledge. Students will learn quantum theory in the context of electrical circuits. Topics will include wavefunctions, operators and quantum measurement, the uncertainty principle, the Schrodinger equation, qubits, and quantization of the electromagnetic field. To support teaching of quantum theory, superconducting circuits will be taught, including flux quantization and the Josephson junction. Python will be used extensively.
6.S080 Principles of Modeling, Simulations and Control for Electric Energy Systems (meets with 6.247)
The graduate version counts as a subject in the Control Concentration. This course offers modeling principles of modern electric power systems starting from a brief review of their structure and their physical components. In particular, a novel unified modeling in energy/power dynamical space is introduced to conceptualize dynamics of interactions of complex multi-physicals components. No specialized knowledge of physical components is required. This modeling sets a basis for analysis, computation, sensing, control, power electronics, optimization and market design concepts. The course prepares students for working on applying many novel methods and technologies, ranging from computer methods, power electronics control, for designing and operating more reliable, secure, and efficient electric energy systems. Students interested in both applied physics and signals and systems should consider taking this subject. Once the fundamentals of today's power systems are understood, it becomes possible to consider the role of smart electric power grids and power electronics-control in enabling evolution of future electric energy systems. Integration of intermittent energy resources into the existing grid by deploying distributed sensors and actuators at the key locations throughout the system (network, energy sources, consumers) and changes in today's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for better performance become well-posed problems of modeling, sensing and controlling complex dynamic systems. This opens opportunities to many innovations toward advanced sensing and actuation for enabling better physical performance. Modeling, sensing and control fundamentals for possible next generation SCADA in support of highly distributed operations and design are introduced. Most of the concepts will be illustrated using homegrown Scalable Electric Power System Simulator (SEPSS).
6.S082 Introduction to Computational Science and Engineering (also under 16.901, 18.S190)
Prereqs: 6.0001 or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-3
Provides an introduction to computational algorithms for understanding of scientific phenomena and designing of engineering systems. Topics include computational algorithms to: simulate time-dependent phenomena; optimize and control applications from science and engineering; and quantify uncertainty in problems involving randomness, including an introduction to probability and statistics. Credit cannot also be given for 6.0002. Combination of 6.0001 and this subject counts as a REST subject.
6.S083 Computational Thinking (meets with 18.S191)
Prereqs: 6.0001 or programming experience,
Units: 3-0-9
This class serves as an introduction to computational thinking, weaving the skills needed to participate in modern undergraduate open source research. We use the to approach real-world problems in varied areas applying data analysis, computational and mathematical modeling. In this class you will learn computer science, software, algorithms, applications, and mathematics as an integrated whole. Past applications have included image processing, epidemic modelling, and climate science. Successful students often go on to UROP positions and apply computational thinking skills to classes where computation is not part of the curriculum. Class will build upon the . Guest Lectures may include: Grant Sanderson (3-Blue-1-Brown), James Schloss, John Urschel, Huda Nassar, Henri Drake
6.S911 Software Construction in Typescript: Course Development
Prereqs: 6.009 and prior Java programming experience
Units: 5-0-10
This course substitutes for 6.031 in EECS degree requirements and EECS course prerequisites. This special subject, taught in tandem with 6.031, uses Typescript as the language of the course, where 6.031 is taught with Java. Typescript is a statically-typed version of Javascript, which is widely used for web programming. This "6.031 Typescript" pilot course will share the same course topics as the 6.031 Java course, and move at the same pace with similar problem sets, quizzes, and group project. The essential difference will be the programming language used. See the course description for 6.031 for the concepts covered by both 6.031 Typescript and 6.031 Java: Like 6.031, this course has required class meetings, including nanoquizzes and small-group exercises, at the scheduled MWF 11am-12:30 time. The two courses will generally meet in separate online spaces, but will sometimes meet together when the topic is language-independent. There will be an accommodation for students living in distant incompatible time zones.
6.S975 Global Business of Quantum Computing (meets with 15.S20)
Quantum Computing (QC) offers the potential to solve certain types of problems for human kind; problems that are today, prohibitive for traditional computing. It could lead to exciting breakthroughs in areas such as improved efficiency in logistics chains, increased battery performance for cars or helping to find new pharmaceutical treatments. But what is hype and what is realistic given the development of the field in recent years and its current trajectory? What role do scientists, engineers, managers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and other stakeholders play? This course provides multiple viewpoints including academic, industry and governmental. You will hear from leading MIT faculty and pioneering practitioners in the field. We will demystify topics such as trapped ion and superconducting qubits.
6.S979 Multi-Stakeholder Negotiation for Technical Experts
Prereqs: Permission of Instructor
Units: 2-0-4
Engineering requires negotiating with many stakeholders: internally and externally. All technical innovators, leaders, and members of diverse teams, need to align efforts and overcome differences. Learn experientially the strategies and proven techniques that improve communications, relationships, and decision-making in groups - using simulations, role-plays, case studies and video analysis. Targeted to graduate students in engineering and joint engineering-business program such as SDM, IDM, and LGO. No prior education or experience in negotiation is required.