The server handles requests from students, faculty, and administrators, using records from the Institute's Data Warehouse and the EECS database.

Publicly accessible

An archive of the Who's Teaching What and Subject Updates for previous academic semesters.
Lists the degree requirements for the 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-7, 6-14, and MEng programs. The requirements are taken directly from the tables used by online departmental audit.
Translation between old EECS subject numbers and new EECS subject numbers.
Access resumes submitted by EECS students the current (or most recent) regular term.
Used by companies participating in the 6-A program to access internship applications (requires your corporate email address to have been previously submitted to the 6-A office).
For each EECS major program, you can see the subjects taken by students in those programs, sorted with the most-taken subjects first. For each subject, you can also see the distribution of the year of the student when they took the subject. The counts come from the transcripts of current students and those who have received their SB over the last 5 years.

Portals requiring Touchstone authentication


Undergrad students: Fill in the questionnaire used by the department when assigning your academic advisor.
Undergrad office: assign academic advisors for students.
View and set advising loads for student advisors. Also enter info about faculty assistants so that they can access lists of advisees for their faculty.
Faculty can submit their annual report as part of their yearly review by department leadership.
Show academic records for current and former EECS students (since 1995).
Faculty: Online form for submitting annual report
HQ: Use this link to see table showing annual reports submitted by faculty as part of their yearly review by department leadership. Table includes links to view individual reports or submission summaries.
Portal that shows the status of graduate appointment requests. This URL is also used by authorized requesters to submit requests for RA appointments and by the Grad and Undergrad Offices for approving appointment requests.
Students:Submit required report for 6.S956.
Undergrad office: accept reports, download gradesheet for 6.S956.
Using the Registrar's list of subjects offered and the current departmental degree audit, this page shows for a particular term 1) the audit requirements satisfied by each subject, and 2) the subjects that satisfy each audit requirement. You can also view a list of requirements satisfied by a particular subject over time.
PhD students: submit annual report about research progress and provide feedback to and get feedback from their research supervisor(s).
Research supervisors: respond to annual progress report from PhD students whose research they supervise. Academic advisors can access the reports for their PhD academic advisees.
Grad office: Table showing submission status of annual progress report submitted by PhD students and their supervisors.
Show your current transcript and audits for both Institute and Departmental requirements, along with other academic information. If you've been admitted to MEng, you can choose when you'll enter the graduate program. You can submit petitions to substitute subjects for particular departmental requirements, as well as perform trial audits for other departmental degree programs.
International students: request the departmental letter required when applying for F-1 Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
Undergrad office: table showing status of CPT letter requests.
Students: apply for Minor in Computer Science, review your progress.
Undergrad office: See progress summaries for all students who are pursuing the Minor in Computer Science and certify students who have completed the requirements.
Counts of current EECS students, broken out by major, year, and DEI status. Subject enrollments by year.
Low-level data maintainence: query the database and edit individual entries.
Departmental statistics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Undergrad students: In response to a CAP flag, provide information about the term for use by your advisor, the Department, and CAP.
Undergrad advisors: In response to an advisee's CAP flag, provide additional information about the term for use by the Department and CAP.
Undergrad office: Listing of term's CAP flags including responses from students and advisors.
Review records for research supervision, completed theses, teaching assignments, leave requests.
Students: submit support documents in response to a fellowship nomination
Faculty: nominate students for fellowships
Grad office: manage fellowship nominations
Lists students who have been admitted to the PhD programs. Generates acceptance letters, support letters, and mailing labels. Request import of degree data of accepted students into the EECS database.
Student and faculty: Propose a subject to be offered during IAP.
Undergrad office: view/approve IAP subject approvals.
Undergrad/MEng students: Submit your completion report for internships or professional practical training (6.920, 6.997).
Undergrad office: Table showing status of completion reports for 6.920 and 6.997. Download gradesheets.
International students: if you require additional time beyond your expected program completion date, request the departmental letter required when extending their visa Certificate of Eligibility.
Undergrad office: Table showing status of ISO extension/renewal letter requests.
Send emails based on a template that incorporates information from the columns of an uploaded spreadsheet.
Undergrad students: submit (or resubmit) application to enter the MEng program.
Undergrad office: Review individual applications to enter the MEng program or access summaries where you can enter admission decisions.
For each current MEng student, display progress towards degree requirements. Also access spreadsheet showing requested entry term for students who have accepted MEng admission but not yet started the program.
MEng students: Request an extension of the due date for handing in your MEng thesis or thesis proposal.
Undergrad office: Table giving status of deadline extensions for MEng theses and proposals.
MEng students: Submit your MEng thesis proposal. After submission, you'll get an individualized link you can send to your supervisor so that they can approve the proposal.
Faculty: Students will email you an individualized link when they've submitted a proposal for your review and acceptance.
Undergrad office: Table of MEng Thesis Proposals submitted this term. Includes links to view, accept or reject individual proposals.
MEng students: Submit your MEng thesis. After submission and after the department has approved the formatting, you'll get an individualized link you can send to your supervisor so that they can "sign" your thesis and submit a grade.
Faculty: Show table of MEng theses you've approved this term. Students will email you an individualized link when they've submitted a thesis for your review and grade.
Undergrad office: Table of MEng Theses submitted this term. Includes links to view, approve formatting, accept or reject individual theses.
International students: request the departmental letter required when applying for Pre-Completion or Post-Completion F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT).
Undergrad office: process letter requests.
View status and respond to pending student petitions.
PhD students: track your progress towards the PhD; view your transcript and support terms; submit plans for the TQE, Minor and PPR; request an RQE; submit SM/PhD theses.
PhD advisors: Graduate counselors and research advisors can get view the status of their advisees and supervisees. Included are student pictures and links to students' individual status pages.
Grad office: List of enrolled students with links to status pages.
Lists of students who need attention for one of their PhD milestones, with links that take you to that part of the portal where you can do what needs to be done. At the bottom, there are term grade sheets for subjects administered by the Grad Office.
Undergrad students: submit your research report for independent research projects (6.UR, 6.100, or 6.910).
Undergrad office: accept reports, download gradesheets.
Undergrad students: submit your resume for inclusion in the semi-annual departmental resume book.
HQ: view past resume books.
RQE chairs: submit exam evaluation.
Committee on Graduate Students: propose committees based on students' RQE application.
Graduate office: track RQE status and chair reports.
Run various maintenance scripts.
Students: Apply for 6-A internships or to submit your resume to the EECS resume book for the current term.
6-A office: list of 6-A students, manage internship applications, review current resume book.
Undergrad/MEng advisors: list of current EECS academic advisees with links to their checklists. This is where you can enter your input for any pending student petitions.
Undergrad office: student lists, audit summaries.
Education officers: Show a history of the MIT Subject evaluation scores for the largest subjects.
View student comments from MIT Subject Evaluations for a specified term.
Grad students: Complete surveys: PhD Exit Survey.
Grad office: View student responses to surveys.
Shows undergraduate/MEng tasks that are waiting for a departmental action. Includes links to download gradesheets that are submitted by the Department.
Look up MIT IDs and kerberos names in the MIT directories.